Becoming consistent, finally!

Snellville, GA

After decades of work-related driving, I stumbled into race-walking as a an antidote.. A friend from that activity made me aware of the 100-mile challenge.

It helps offset the cancellation of completive events. My goal was two miles a day, plus extra to offset a delayed start. Easy, I thought, since I walk several miles a week. Keeping a log has made me see how easy it is to let activity droop by skipping a day or two, or three.

That happened two weeks ago when tropical storm remnants passed through Georgia. While making up the lapse, I mused about night-long rainy U.S. Army treks five decades ago. Sarge assured us we would not melt.

He was right, When rains came back this week, I stepped out in rain gear much better than a poncho.

It is a shame race-walk is not more popular in the US. Its reward is quality aerobic conditioning without the joint and impact damage of running. Learning a new form also makes it an interesting and entertaining mental exercise. You can join running events without embarrassment., or rehab if you are a hardcore runner with the inevitable injuries. This article has more details - .

A year after I started race-walking, I did my first 10K event to celebrate turning 70. With the help of the 100-mile challenge, I plan to celebrate my 75th birthday in October with a 10-miler.

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