Swimming 100 miles

Murrieta, CA

I'm wheelchair-bound and a new member of The American Legion. I cannot walk or ride the 100 miles, but I am going to try to make 100 miles SWIMMING. I know I will have some days when I cannot swim, due to medical appointments and pending surgeries for myself or my wife. My wife, Gayle, had a stroke on 7/1/2017 and I am the primary caregiver.

I try to swim a mile a day, early in the morning before my body knows what I am doing to it. Over the course of my life I have swum the equivalent distance of going from San Diego to Honolulu and back t0 east of Denver (about 6,000 miles). I only joined the Legion about 3 months ago. I began using a wheelchair last year after a freak accident, multiple falls, two back surgeries. And life goes on. I keep a positive attitude on life, because anything else is totally unproductive.

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