The squirrel of Parris Island, S.C.

In August 1966, I was in Platoon 3082 at Parris Island, S.C.

My mother sent me a 5-pound bag of pistachios. My drill instructor called me up front and center. I got to his desk and yelled, "Sir, Pvt. Beauchesne reporting, sir."

He showed me the 5-pound bag of nuts, opened the bag, reached in and took out about five nuts.

"Put out your right hand, palm up," he said.

I did and he put them in my hand.

"Every night after chow you will report to my desk and say, 'Sir, Pvt. Beauchesne the squirrel is here for his ration of nuts,'" he said. Then I would put my hand out and he would put about five nuts in my hand, I would salute and return to my bunk.

I did that for about a week, and then he told me to pass the nuts out to the other men in the squad bay until they were gone. I still cannot look at a pistachio without thinking about it.

That night I wrote my mother and said not to send me anything until I was out of boot camp.

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