Basic training

Unlike most of the guys with whom I was in Basic Training, I found humor in the blustery, uber macho almost cartoonish behavior of a lot of the DIs. Of course I knew that any outward exhibition of my actual feelings would be detrimental to my quality of life while in Basic, so I kept my feelings to myself. I did feel sorry for some of my poor scared slick sleeve brethren knowing that many would soon be slogging through the muck and mire of Southeast Asia never to set foot in the USA again, while I was in the electronics school for which I had enlisted. During Basic I found the almost ideal position to take was to be 'invisible' and stay in the middle of the herd and don't lag or lead lest you gain extra unwanted attention. The Army was good for me and I was proud to have served even if it was just for one enlistment. Uncle Sam more than got his money's worth from me and I was rewarded with the GI Bill so I could further my education. Always proud to have worn the uniform and to be a Veteran!

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