Poor Choices

During my basic training at Fort Bliss, TX in 1966, we got to spend a week out in the field. During this time, we qualified on the rifle range, got to go thru the obstacle course twice, received night attack training and physical fitness tests.

It was during one of these tests, a timed 50 yard low crawl, that a young 2nd Lieutenant decided to throw a tear gas canister out in the field among us. Now, we all had to stop and put on our gas masks and then continue crawling.

I was fortunate enough to be about 15 yards from the finish and after completing the course stood up and saw a Major arriving in a jeep. The Major got out and walked up to the edge of the course and about that time the wind changed direction and blew the tear gas right into him.

Well, the Major was not prepared for a gas attack so there was much loud shouting and a few obscenities directed at the 2nd Lieutenant. Then the Major made a hasty retreat towards the jeep with the Lieutenant in tow.

Both officers got into the jeep and drove off and I never did see that young Lieutenant again.

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