Unforgettable cadre

While at FT Dix for basic training in the Spring of 1968, I did raise my hand, and for the good! I was then assigned to drive the chow truck out to the range area rather than ride in the Cattle truck or even worse...march.
One of the Cadre who would ride with me on occasion was a young Corporal sporting a Combat Infantry Badge, a Purple Heart, and a 4th Infantry Division shoulder patch. His shirt name tag told me he was Corporal Cullen.
During a trip out to the live fire range one day, Cullen went into a panic as we heard all hell broke loose. "What's all that noise?" I asked. The fearful response was "It sounds just like a fire-fight." Civilian that I was at that time, I did not know what the terminology "fire-fight" meant but found out four months later while serving with the 4thID in Vietnam.
I never saw Corporal Cullen again but never forgot him. Fast forward to a few years ago. The 4th Infantry Division Association website guest-page is on my morning reading list. What do I see? A post from a John Cullen looking for his old combat buddies from the 4thID...and he is from New York!
One email is all it took to close the gap of time and share our combat service that was so similar, except for one thing. "You vanished on me, John. Where did you go?" "AWOL" he said, "and it cost me four more months in the Army!" I still consider him a friend.

Peter J. Birrow, Gulfport, Fla.

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