Don't look back

It was the final PT test, the mile run. I had fallen off the bars, so I needed to max the points in the mile to get an off-post weekend pass. Having spent most of basic as the guy assigned to the back of the company whose job it was to drag the stragglers along, and having been a track team runner in high school, I knew I could beat the six minute time.
My group took off. I went to the front and set a good pace. About halfway done, I heard footsteps close behind me. I picked up the pace to out-distance my competition, and was feeling good. Then, the foot steps caught up with me again. How could that be? Well, this was it, I really took off, and finished well under the limit.
When I stopped and looked back to see who was behind me at the finish line, the guy said; 'I knew you could run, so I figured if I just kept up with you, I would have a good finishing time." I got the pass, and had the best time in the company!

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