Swim lessons

During Basic Training at Fort Ord in 1955, we were lined up by the swimming pool ready to separate swimmers from non-swimmers. My Buddy whispered to me, "Swim down about halfway, then swim over to the side." I whispered back, "Naw, I think I can can go the length." "Do what I say" came back the next communication. So, I swam down halfway then over to the side. Sure enough, there came a Non-Com with a clipboard, who wrote down my name. I gave my Buddy a cussing under my breath. But the next day when we were marched down to the pool, the guy with the clipboard had his list fall out for swim lessons. The rest of the platoon was marched over to the Struggle Pit. Do you remember the Struggle Pit? It was a pit about thirty by thirty feet and about six feet deep. The object of the Struggle Pit was to have two squads down in the pit and the other two squads try to jump in and displace the first two squads. When we got out of the swimming pool we rejoined the rest of the Platoon, who had torn fatigues, bruises and really sour dispositions. This P.T. was continued until all of us could swim the length of the pool and I was careful to follow the suggestions of my buddy the rest of Basic.

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