Standing room only for S.A.V.E. training at the Department of New York's 2023 convention.


Department commanders model the importance of S.A.V.E. training

Alexandria Bay, NY

Department of New York American Legion Commander Dave Riley Sr. wasn’t kidding when he told me he thought "S.A.V.E. training was the exact thing The American Legion was looking for to make the Be the One program truly a 'boots on the ground' 'community and family effort' focused on eliminating veteran suicide." He first demonstrated it, by attending and bringing his wife Laurie to the VA S.A.V.E. training held at John B. Lyman American Legion Post 904 on June 8.

The training held at Post 904 had members of the entire American Legion Family as well as members from four other posts, Clear Path for Veterans, other not-for-profits, staff from State Sen. Walczyk’s office, local businesses and community members. Dave told the group how important he thought this training was for preventing veteran suicide and shared with us how he was going to take steps to see it in many places in the Department of New York.

Dave immediately asked the department resolution committee to draft a S.A.V.E. resolution that would encourage posts in the department to host this training in their post homes. Janice Gravely from Carthage American Legion Post 789, after the 2022 American Legion convention in Milwaukee, invited me to be part of the North Country Veteran and Service Member Suicide Prevention Coalition. The coalition is a diverse group, made up of community VSOs, Fort Drum, Vet Center, VA, Clear Path for Veterans, Jefferson Community health services, other not-for-profits, local businesses and community members. It was there I met Kaitlynn Tredway (VA Community Engagement & Partnership Coordinator) who agreed to conduct S.A.V.E. training at Post 904.

Tredway explains: “The VA S.A.V.E. Training or 'Operation S.A.V.E.' is a program focused on preventing suicide attempts and saving lives that might otherwise be lost to suicide. It is designed to train everyone who knows a veteran to be a 'gatekeeper.' The role of gatekeepers is connecting those at risk for suicide with people who can help them. The training reviews the scope of veteran suicide within the United States, how to identify a veteran who may be at risk for suicide, and then what to do when you identify a veteran who may be at risk for suicide.”

Commander Riley decided modeling this training as much as possible among the leadership of the department would be the best way he could lead this training opportunity. Dave set up a S.A.V.E. training session with Kaitlynn digitally that was SOLD OUT at the department convention. The crowded room was highly engaged and asked excellent questions of Kaitlynn, and provided some keen insights themselves. The attentiveness of a large group of people in a crowded room was inspiring. Everyone there was hungry for a way to be part of the “boots on the ground” effort Dave talked about in recent Legiontown articles, the department magazine and during the entire convention. Several commented about adding the training to events in the district, county or post. Others sought out Kaitlynn or contacts with her counterparts in their area. Kaitlynn made a point to tell everyone in the room there was someone available to do the training in their area and all they had to do was ask.

The fact that VA has had this training for over 10 years but has struggled getting it out to VSOs was probably the most shocking for Dave, Janice and me. Kaitlynn was very appreciative of our efforts to get S.A.V.E training out to posts in the department. The department commander’s belief that this training effort will spread throughout the department is reinforced by incoming Department Commander Tim Collmer (past Department College dean) signing up to take S.A.V.E. training at the Carthage post on Aug. 1.

The Department of New York American Legion College teaches ‘veterans model citizenship to the country’ and the American Legion models after-military-service missions to veterans. There is little doubt what the leadership of the Department of New York believes today’s critical mission is. I believe the message to the American Legion Family by our leadership regarding support of the Be the One effort is clear and urgent. Sign up for S.A.V.E. training in a post hosting the training, or contact a VA Community Engagement & Partnership Coordinator in your area to set one up yourself and Be the One! Local Resources ( is how one would connect with Suicide Prevention Teams (Suicide Prevention Coordinators and/or Community Engagement and Partnership Coordinators) in your area.

Dean Erck
John B. Lyman American Legion Post 904 adjutant/service officer

Department of New York Adjutant James Casey attending S.A.V.E. training during the convention.

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