The long way 'round

Boise, ID

In the mid to late 1980s, computers were large, clunky things that took genius-level intelligence to program, operate and just turn on without breaking something. I graduated high school a year early, having flunked my first computer class because I didn't have time to do the homework.
I mention this because, 35 years later, I now work for an international a software engineer, and the GI Bill is what put me on the road to where I am today.
People call me "driven", or "focused." The fact is that my Ch.31 advisor drilled me on my choice of school, because it was a private company that no longer exists, and their rates were higher than the public university in my area. I had to go there because I needed to hit the ground running, and the public university couldn't give me the hands-on that today's IT requires.
Since receiving my undergraduate in 2007, and my master's in 2015, I shudder to think of where I'd be without having considered the GI Bill I had left unfinished. I believe that had I not followed through, I could easily be working with much less than what I have now. If I was working at all.

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