Camera fun

I received my draft greeting from Uncle Sam in May 1969 for induction in September that year. Prior to my departure to the Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Station in Chicago, my father, who was a professional photographer, handed me a worn but serviceable Nikon camera. I worked for my dad in his studio and lab, so I realized his gift to me was an extension of my photo training from him.

After the reception center at Fort Jackson, S.C., we were shipped to our basic combat training unit. On that very first day, we new troops stood in formation and the drill instructors toldus to open our duffel bags for inspection. Sgt. 1st Class Jerry Nash, who was my lead drill instructor, rummaged through my gear and pulled out that Nikon. He looked at me and said, "Troop, what in the hell did you think you were going to do with this?"

"Take pictures?" I sheepishly replied.

With a sly grin, my drill instructor informed me he was confiscating the camera and further informed me that if and when I graduate from boot camp, I could visit the first shirt and he'd return my toy, which would be kept in the company safe.

I thought I had seen the last of that camera, but after graduating, the first sergeant did indeed return it.

Mike Koskiewicz
5319 W. Warwick
Chicago, IL 60641
AL Post 247

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