Basic training in September 1963 at Fort Knox, Ky.

After graduating from high school and not knowing the future, I volunteered for the draft. After a day at Fort Sheridan in Chicago, we traveled to the Fort Knox Reception Center. Two weeks later I was assigned to my basic training company.

My first lesson learned was to listen and to follow directions. I always had problems listening, but that changed very quickly. The most memorable time was one morning before heading to the training field, Sgt. Sizemore gave us all instructions about a special event taking place. He informed us there would be a filming company taking pictures. He told us an airplane would be flying over and we were to fall to the ground on his command and not to get up until he instructed. Later that day, we heard the airplane coming from the east. When it came to our location Sgt. Sizemore gave the command and we all fell to the ground, as if dead. Some weeks later at the morning assembly we were told that the day was special. We were all going to the movie theater for a special showing of the movie we had participated in. The movie was an advance showing of "Goldfinger," a reward for our participation by the filming company. What a treat to see the film two weeks before it was released to the public!

The worst memory was while in advanced infantry training. We were lining up for lunch at the mess hall when an officer ordered us to our barracks and not to leave and no radios. They told us to be ready to leave at any moment. We went to the barracks, sat around and wondered what was up. Then the officer of the day entered each barracks and announced JFK had been assassinated. Needless to say, we were all saddened and concerned. Everyone was restricted to barracks until further notice. The next morning the commanding officer told us it was business as usual. No threat to national security was found.

From that time on, I knew that basic training was the most interesting and alarming time of any basic training of current history!

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