My Worst and Fondest Memories of Basic Training

My worst memory comes to mind first. We had "rat" drills where the trainees had to fallout in formation in a specified uniform within a certain timeframe. We could be in Class A's, then change to khaki's, then to fatiques, then back to Class A's, all within an hour or so. It was hell. Sometimes we had to lineup with our footlockers as well.

My favorite memory was being singled out as an outstanding soldier by Col. Foote during a uniform inspection. We wore IKE jackets and my whole uniform was ironed to perfection. The first thing I bought when arriving at Basic Training was an iron. I received a three day pass for being singled out during the inspection.

Basic Training was at Fort Eustis, Virginia from February to April of 1953. My drill sergeant was SFC Kerry and his assistant was CPL. Lovic.

I am now retired from the Army in the rank of SFC. I stayed for 27 years and retired in 1980 from Fort Eustis. I grew to love the Army and wouldn't trade my memories or training for anything. Hooah!

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