Christmas Leave-1969

During Coast Guard Boot Camp in Cape May, New Jersey from October'69- January '70, we recruits were authorized Christmas leave for a few days.

I was able to travel (in uniform) to my home in Pennsylvania for a happy reunion with family. Of course, after all that had been drilled into me about 'military bearing', I found it impossible to leave such habits at Boot Camp.

I sat in uniform on the edge of the couch, ate sitting rigidly at the table and constantly addressed my parents as 'Sir' and 'Ma'am'. While my dad, a career soldier, understood this transition, my mom didn't.

After two days of calling her ma'am, she had enough. Out of sheer frustration and always a mother, she yelled out "I'm not a ma'am!!! I'm your MOTHER!!!

Which is why I was forced to make a large potato chip tin full of homemade cookies disappear in 3 minutes when my Company Commander presented it to me in his office upon my return to Cape May!

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