My 15 minutes of fame

In May 1953 I was in Co.#166 at the Naval Training Center in Bainbridge, Md.
I was assigned that day as JOOD (Junior Officer Of the Day). So with an armband and a clipboard I set off to inspect the other barracks in the battalion for fire safety violations and general cleanliness.
A newly formed company was on the second floor of one barracks and, as I approached the barracks, the front doors flew open and this brand new recruit came hurrying out carrying two buckets of scrub water. Seeing me, the armband and the clipboard scared him into an attempt to come to attention. Well, he had put his canvas leggings, with the clips and laces, on the inner side of his legs and they had hooked up and caused him to fall flat on his face with the buckets of water flying.
I asked him if was O.K. and he said "Yes Sir." Proceeding from there to the stairway there was a cry of "Attention on deck!" The whole company stood rigidly at attention while I looked over this and that.
Preparing to leave, I said to the recruit company commander "You guys didn't have to come to attention. I'm a boot the same as you." I then made my getaway in a flurry of shoes and not a few curses.

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