The helmet fit perfectly

I took basic training at Fort Knox, Ky., February and March 1951. After we got our clothes and shoes squared away, the first sergeant sent the first platoon to the supply room to pick up our helmets, backpacks and gear. Supply Sergeant 1st Class J.E. Sims was pitching out helmets to the recruits, saying “catch one.” I caught one and noticed on the sweat band of the helmet liner my name, “Chas D. Austin.” I said “Look here, fellows. My name is already on mine!”
The following weekend I checked the company records. The graduating class before ours had a guy in it by the same name, “Charles D. Austin.”
I graduated with 216 other privates at the end of March 1951 from Company D, 367th Armored Infantry Battalion, 3rd Armored Division.
This seemed a million-to-one-chance coincidence!

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