Connecticut Centennial Chairman Frazier Brinley proclamation to Frank C. Godfrey Post 12 on June 2, 2019

Norwalk, CT

Here Yea, Here Yea, Hear Yea!


Whereas your actual birthday is July 3, 2019 and falls on the eve of Independence Day; and whereas you are the oldest Post in Fairfield County and the 5th oldest in Connecticut;
Whereas at Post 12, You have had C. Russell Day, John N. Roberto, William Mager and Elliot Meccico as State Commanders. 3rd District Commanders, you’ve had Howard, Davey, Day, Hartnett, Park, Roberto, Mager, Bento, Scott, Constantine, Beaver, Meccico, Rogers and Olson. Area Vice Commanders, you had Constantine, Beaver and Meccico. At Historian, you had Constantine and Meccico. You had a three year Chaplain in the Rev. Leland Hunt and a Judge Advocate in John Keogh, your first Commander. Your Sgt-At-Arms were Reynolds, Kempp, Rogers and National Vice was John Roberto… from the Conn. American legion Hall of Fame, you have Roberto, Benedict and Olson;
Whereas from the unit, you had thee Department Presidents in Mildred Day, Bertha Farrington and Raelene Miller; Chaplain with Charlene Meccico, Historians with Mildred Day, Bertha Farrington, Raelene Miller and Patricia Beaver; 3rd District Presidents with Dance, Farrington, Cave, Mager, Greenwood, Durant, Beaver, Rogers, Meccico and Cardillo;
Whereas you have been busy with Boys’ and Girls’ State. You had a Boys’ Nation Senator and LT Governor With George Baldine in 1951 and the auxiliary had a Girls’ State Governor with Tasneem Alam in 2002. Your 2011 baseball team was the State champion. You have been involved with the Veteran of the Month, July 4th, 9-1-1 Remembrances, State Police Youth Week, Memorial Day, Veterans Day and Pearl Harbor Day, Bingos, Military Balls, the Foolish Follies, the Fisher House Gold Star Mothers Teas and so much more. And most of all, you continue to insure that every Veteran gets all the benefits deserved and are treated with respect;
And whereas, this is your 100th Birthday Celebration and you are a Norwalk - Pillar in the Community organization; Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that I, W. Frazier Brinley, do hereby proclaim Sunday, June 2, 2019 as Your Centennial - Birthday Day. Happy Birthday….. Happy Birthday, Norwalk American Legion Family

W. Frazier Brinley Connecticut American Legion – Centennial Chairman

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