The world's greatest symbol

Marlton, NJ

Next to the cross of Jesus, the Christ, our national colors are the most beautiful symbol of love, freedom and service to mankind in the world. I learned from my father how to respect the flag, and that was perpetuated in the Cub and Boy Scouts. Then in 1961, upon graduating from high school, I joined the United States Navy, offering to serve in any way I was seen fit to do so. I became a radiotelegrapher on a destroyer escort and copied encrypted messages during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Years later, I worked for a funeral home and carried many a veteran under that flag. As a Legionnaire I helped teach Boy Scouts how to fold the flag, and was the chaplain + Americanism chairman, teaching all the meaning of our flag. I am a lifetime member of Vietnam Veterans of America, in which I was chaplain for 14 years. I am also state chaplain of New Jersey's Mission of Honor for Cremains of American Veterans, where we bury the ashes of abandoned and forgotten brothers who've served our flag. Today I raise the colors every morning from my condo balcony and sing our national anthem at our local Mission BBQ restaurant at noon. I march in our Independence Day parade very proudly, carrying the colors representing all those who have valiantly died so that she can wave.

Jerry P. Skorch, U.S. Navy 1961-1964

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