Honor Flight Syracuse, Plank Road Quilt Guild and Post 787 Team Up

American Legion Post 787 and the American Legion Auxiliary Post 787 of Cicero, N.Y., were pleased to host the Plank Road Quilt Guild for National Quilting Day on March 16, 2024. The public was invited to view a display of Honor Flight quilts, a display of member's own patriotic quilts and an exhibit of other quilts that are donated to organizations like "Sleep in Heavenly Peace" and "McMann Ryan Advocacy Center."

Honor Flight Syracuse set up a table to answer any questions about their cause and to invite veterans to sign up for future Honor Flights. And the most fun of all, the Guild had a retreat day by setting up sewing stations, cutting table, pressing stands and enjoying sewing with friends! Quilts and other projects were being made throughout the whole day so attendees could see for themselves what goes into making quilts and charity projects. The public, who came to enjoy the Legion's weekly fish fry held in the post's other rooms, was delighted to browse through the displays, talk to the quilters about their projects and listen to the Honor Flight Syracuse representatives. The Honor Flight people were able to reach out to former veterans and the public about their mission by chatting with them, handing out information and encouraging them to fill out applications for themselves or their passed loved ones. This activity was a win/win for both organizations.

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