NE Post 630 members salute a veteran's grave after placing a flag.


Northeast Post 630 heads up flag placement on veterans' graves

Northeast Post 630 - Montgomery, OH

One of the projects Northeast Post 630 has undertaken is to place flags at the gravesites of veterans buried in Hopewell Cemetery in the City of Montgomery for Veterans Day. It is our way of showing respect to those who served their country. Veterans from all the wars the United States has been involved in are buried there. There are over 400 graves of veterans buried in the cemetery.
On Nov. 5, over 60 volunteers placed flags on the veteran gravesites; 13 of those volunteers were NE Post 630 members. Within an hour all of the flags were placed. Fortunately, it was a cool day with no foul weather. We had a very good mix of young and old, family and friends, Montgomery employees, NE Post 630 members, and citizens who came because they heard or read about what we were doing. Judge Brad Greenberg, who presides over Hamilton County’s Municipal Veterans Court, came to place flags with attorney Greg Nolan. Greenberg represents District 5, which encompasses the northeast areas of Hamilton County.
This year the City of Montgomery provided veteran grave markers for some of the graves in the Pioneer Section of the cemetery that did not have any. In doing so, the city made it easy for volunteers to find veteran graves in that section, which consists primarily of Revolutionary War and Civil War graves. The city not only provides the flags that are placed but after Veterans Day, Montgomery employees retrieve the flags and store them for next year.

Flags placed on veterans' graves.
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