USAF Cold War missiles

Kansas City, KS

I enlisted September 1963, then basic training in Texas, electronics school in Colorado, missile system school (SETS) in Colorado, combat crew school in Florida, weapons orientation in Florida and crew certification in West Germany. I worked my first day 53 weeks later. Two years and 24 days on launch crew duty later, my bird (MACE 'A') was retired from active service and I was sent to Montana to work with the Minuteman program. I had not been to any Minuteman schools, so ended up working in the briefing/debriefing section of maintenance control at Wing HQ until I separated from active duty in September 1967. I never got shot at but was definitely a target as my birds were 'Tip of the Spear' in the Cold War. I enjoyed parts of my enlisted experience, but chose to get out because of several factors not the least was what I considered an unfair promotion system (26 months time in grade for SSgt but could not be promoted because I was not yet over four years service) and really poor pay. I would do it again.

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