Basic training

My fondest memory of basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. (Oct. 2– Dec. 14, 1967), was marching. Everywhere we went, we marched. This ranged from mark time to double-time. During those crisp early November mornings, we’d go on a 1.5 mile double-mile march before breakfast. I often wondered what the jobs were of the Army folks in those many small buildings with lights on inside at 0545. Then we’d march to breakfast and then to class. After several weeks we started to daily march out to the rifle range. We had a lot of time with our M-14s on our right or left shoulder. We had two drummers for those 3-mile marches and many songs were sung. Before we knew it, we’d be at the range. Then it came, Graduation Day. We were so proud keeping in perfect step for Drill Instructor PSG Coleman Washington of Cumberland, Ky. But we were also sad since when we were “dismissed” after graduation, we would then walk to our loved ones or head home for Christmas leave before attending AIT (Advanced Individual Training).

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