Mail call

I was going through a Navy boot camp with Marine Corp Drill Instructors. Mail Call with our Marine DI was exciting to say the least. The Sergeant would sit in a chair in the middle of the squad bay with the mail bag in front of him while we were all standing at attention by our racks. I was the first recruit called so it was front and center. The DI asked me what SWAK meant on the back of the envelope he was holding. In a loud voice I declared, "Sir, sealed with a kiss Sir! To which he responded by having me get in push up position next to him. He then placed the envelope in front of my face and ordered me to "unseal it with a kiss" each time I went down for a push-up, which I did for the remainder of mail call. My fellow recruits roared with laughter, which did not sit well with our DI. But that's another story.

Vince Corry, Marlton, N.J.

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