988 +1 challenge coins

Bozeman, MT

American Legion Post 14 in Bozeman, Mont., partnered with the Montana State University Veteran Support Center, School of Art and the MT 988 Project to create suicide prevention-themed "challenge coins” meant to increase awareness of suicide and resources available to help people, including veterans, who are in crisis.

Graphic design students, MSU veterans and local veterans are leading suicide awareness efforts through newly minted challenge coins. Each design includes Montana's Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline number 988 on one side and 988+1 on the other side for veterans.

One of the coins, designed by Erica Oborsky, represents the beauty of Montana while providing a resource to both veterans and civilians when this place feels too big.

In support of the Be the One campaign, challenge coins were on display at the Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture for the premiere showing of “Mending the Line” in Bozeman.

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