75 years later

Wolcott , NY

Recently Wolcott Post 881 received a letter with a large donation. Although it is not unusual for donations to be received from time to time from the public, this one was different as it was a thank-you from 75 years ago. Then, Post 881 stepped forward to help a widow and her four small children celebrate Christmas by donating a box of food, toys, fruits and nuts. Their mother placed the box under their tree, which was decorated with strings of popcorn and rings of colored paper. The Legion's gift really made a difference that year, and 75 years later the family sent a thank-you with a large donation so we could continue our tradition of helping those less fortunate at Christmas time.

Just a little gift from the members from 75 years ago made such a difference in their lives to them, and their gift will allow us to pay it forward again this year.

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