Navy Nurse: Memoir if a World War II Veteran

Summary provided by James Siragusa:

From one of the few living World War II veterans comes this personal, inspiring, and remarkably detailed memoir. Helen Barry Siragusa takes us from her childhood in New Jersey during the Great Depression, through her career as a Navy nurse in a ward for paralyzed soldiers during and after World War II, to raising her eight children in Massachusetts, and finally to her home in Maine. Complemented by her beautiful photographs, her vivid storytelling reveals her as both an eternal optimist and a steely bearer of adversity. Death was her constant companion, and she was its counterpoint.

I’m a WWII and Korea veteran Navy nurse, being interviewed here by Don Carrigan, on Nov. 10, for News Center Maine, about my memoir, Navy Nurse: Memoir of a Word War II Veteran, published in September.

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