"A Call to Honor: The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Replica." See it up close; ask questions; and hear the history during this 100th-anniversary year.


Tomb of the Unknown Soldier replica exhibit coming to Sioux Falls, S.D., July 24-25

Sioux Falls, SD

It's the 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier! Honor the Anniversary - See the Replica - Learn the History.

A two-day commemorative event featuring the traveling exhibit "A Call to Honor: The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Replica" will be at the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance, 1600 W. Russell St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104. This is an authentic, half-scale reproduction of the monument in Arlington National Cemetery.

This is open to the public, free of charge, on Saturday, July 24, and Sunday, July 25, between 9 am and 5 pm. Throughout this time, programs will be held on stage including live patriotic music and guest speakers. As a special tribute, the Singing Legionnaires will perform on Saturday at 10:30 am, and the Sioux Falls Municipal Band will play in concert on Sunday at 3 pm.

Our goal is to provide a fun family event where everyone can "see" this monument, learn the history behind its creation, hear the story of what it represents and understand the dedication of those who guard our unknown soldiers.

Saturday night, from 6:30 pm - 9 pm, will feature a special “evening out” to honor Midwest Honor Flight. The $30 tickets, which can be purchased through the SouthDakotaAlliance.org website, will provide a buffet meal, live music from A.G. Jamboree, and special access to the "A Call to Honor: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Replica."

Sponsored by the Mary Chilton Chapter, NSDAR, the South Dakota Society Daughters of the American Revolution, the Mary Chilton Foundation, Midwest Honor Flight, and the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance.


Questions can be sent to tomboftheunknownsreplica.siouxfalls@sdsdar.org.

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