Edward Dubroski, a lifelong New Jersey resident, resides in Clark and is a proud member of Clark American Legion Post #328. After college, Mr. Dubroski served in both the Air Force National Guard and the United States Army, where he was stationed in occupied Germany after World War II.
Ed began his career in rail as a track worker on the Central Railroad of New Jersey. In 1963, he made the shift to locomotive engineer and joined the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, also known as the BLE. He began running for office within the union and eventually was elected international president in 1999 of the BLE, an organization representing 70,000 locomotive engineers in the United States and Canada.
While serving as international president, Mr. Dubroski was active in various legislative campaigns; one being working with the United States Senate and Congress to eliminate the cancer-causing chemical polychlorinated biphenyls, better known as PCBs, from locomotive engines, roundhouses and the soil that surrounds train yards. Once in the environment, PCBs can be transported long distances because they bind strongly to soil and sediment. For that reason, they also remain in the environment for long periods of time. This potential measure alone helped to save numerous lives.
Mr. Dubroski has since retired from the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and resides in Clark, where he has been an influential voice on the Clark Township Environment Committee for almost a decade. He and his wife, Genevieve, have two children, Jennifer and Edward, and are the proud grandparents of two grandchildren, Reese and Christopher.
In 2018, Mr. Dubroski was awarded the Jefferson Award. The Jefferson Awards are the nation's oldest and most prestigious recognition program for volunteer public service for the United States Senate. Mr. Dubroski’s Environmental Stewardship Award specifically recognized volunteers who pioneered and promoted energy conservation and environmental action to foster a clean, green, sustainable environment, and/or those individuals who establish or revitalize conservation practices and public awareness within the local, state, national or global community.
"I am so proud of my service to my country while serving in the United States Army and I am very proud to have been able to protect many Americans from PCBs through my work as president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers," explained Mr. Edward Dubroski, proud American Legion member.