The New York DALC teaches the Legion Family about the tools that enable our organizations to remain relevant for over 105 years. Strong points are made about how impact reports, consolidated post and squadron reports are our ‘lobby clout’ to get elected leaders to respond to our priorities. The resolution is another tool for all in our Legion Family to utilize. Instructors encourage Legion Family members to utilize this tool to make changes in our organization and country from the post, squadron and unit levels. The strength of our organization comes from an ability to communicate priorities up from the grassroots level as well as down the organization from leadership. I like to illustrate it by the comment that “before there was an American Legion there was legislation to make one. That legislation, like all legislation from our organization, was a good idea made into a resolution making it a priority. The resolution is used to drive change in the country and community as well as our organizations.”
A resolution was passed at Department of New York convention in 2023 to encourage S.A.V.E. training to be held in as many places as possible and inviting as many people as possible to make the Be the One campaign truly “a boots on the ground, American Legion Family and community effort,” according to Past Department Commander Dave Riley. The VA S.A.V.E. resolution came from Dave calling on the resolution to be written after he experienced S.A.V.E. training at Post 904. The resolution was passed and sent up to the national convention for its consideration. The power of the resolution comes from the action it brings. Riley called for a S.A.V.E. training class at the convention to demonstrate to the department how important he felt the training was. The passed S.A.V.E. resolution had its first action at convention and its second at Carthage American Legion Post 789.
S.A.V.E. training at Basset-Baxter American Legion Post 789 was conducted on 8/1/2023 with 16 in attendance - Carthage, Lowville, Watertown, Clayton and Alexandria Bay American Legion Family members as well as Department of New York Commander Tim Collmer and his personal aid Chip Rayno. Several in the class cited personal stories that affected them as motivation to attend the class. Lewis County Adjutant Sue Koch cited the training at convention and resolution. The power of the resolution!