Joe Caminiti, 100, with Dick Fitz, 99, and John Fensick, 98. All three are members of Post 2.


Marine Corps League hosts birthday party at Post 2 for 100-year-old Iwo Jima survivor

Bristol, CT

On Oct 12 at the American Legion Post 2 picnic area, members of the Marine Corps League across Connecticut hosted a party with Post 2 for Joe Caminiti, the last known Iwo Jima survivor in Connecticut. The League read and presented a certificate from Sen. Blumenthal’s office to Joe; the senator was unable to attend. Next the League presented an Iwo Jima coin that has been passed down through their membership, from Marine to Marine, to Joe. A salute was done by playing a set of bagpipes.

The State of Connecticut issued a proclamation to Joe, presented in person by Rep. Cara Pavalock D’Amoto and Rep. Mary Fortier. It was also signed by Joe Hoxha and Sen. Henri Martin.

A proclamation along with a personnel birthday card and greeting by the American Legion national commander was read and handed to Joe by the vice commander of the Department of Connecticut. On hand were the vice commander of Post 2 and the commander of Post 20.

The founder of Veterans Are Heroes Forever presented Joe with a shirt and made him an honorary member.

The chairman of the Connecticut Iwo Jima Survivor’s Association presented Joe with a proclamation from his organization. This was followed by the founders of the World War II Legacy Foundation and chairpersons for the Woody Williams Gold Star Memorial monument for Connecticut making a presentation to Joe; he played a small part in the monument.

The Marine Corps League presented Joe with a cake he cut in true Marine Corps style - with a saber.

Two other World War II friends of Joe were on hand to remember him; they were 99 and 98.

Marine Corps League presenting Joe with a certificate from Sen. Blumenthal.

Cutting his cake.

Presentation by The American Legion.
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