Joe Caminiti and Dick Fitz ringing the bell as part of "Bells for Peace."


Veterans Day ceremony

Bristol, CT

On the morning of Nov. 11 at 11 a.m., individuals met at the Rockwell Theater, where the Bristol Veterans Council held its annual Veterans Day ceremony. Members from all the military organizations helped with the ceremony.

The ceremony consisted of the POW/MIA Missing Man table ceremony, done by CSM (ret.) Ed Litherland and MSG Tim Gamache. The ringing of the USS Kidd bell as part of the national “Bells for Peace” was rung by two Bristol veterans: Joe Caminiti, World War II Iwo Jima survivor and the last known from Connecticut, and Robert “Dick” Fitz, Navy gunner and World War II veteran who took part in the most dangerous convoy route in World War II, whereas 79 ships were lost traveling that same route. His vessel was hit by a torpedo that happened to be a dud. We just learned that his interview is now part of the National World War II Museum in New Orleans.

High school students read the names of those veterans who have passed since Memorial Day. Dancers from Reach for the Stars Academy put on a performance. Guest Speaker SGM Jimmie D. Smith talked to those there.

The American and state flags were placed by the Department of Connecticut American Legion Color Guard. A rifle volley was fired and taps sounded by the American Legion Post 2 Honor Guard. Miss Chrysanthemum Manette Masse and Little Miss Chrysanthemum Emmie Wilson helped with the ceremony.

Some refreshments were had at Post 2 after the ceremony. Cards created by students from local schools across the city were handed out to the veterans.

Handmade cards made for the veterans by students in the local school.

The Department of Connecticut Color Guard.

Students who read the names of those veterans who have passed since Memorial Day in Bristol.
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