FORT WORTH, Texas - More than a dozen members of the Post 626 American Legion Family joined hundreds of others celebrating Veterans Day on November 11 in downtown Fort Worth. Cmdr. Jeff Anderson led the post’s charge as the 626 team took part in the annual Tarrant County Veterans Day Parade down Main St. from the historic courthouse.
“Veterans Day should celebrate the service of Americans who donned a uniform,” noted parade planners. “It’s a day to say, ‘Thank you for your service!’ And a time when veterans can say, ‘Thank you for your support.’”
Local parade organizers said, “This year we honor Vietnam-era military mail carriers while saluting all servicemembers – past and present.” Veterans, military members, Fort Worth first responders, Junior ROTC units, bands, veteran support groups and many more marcher joined in the salute.
Each year, the parade is organized by the Tarrant County Veterans Council. TCVC is also a partner in the national Vietnam War Commemoration and Fort Worth was again selected as a regional site for celebration of Veterans Day.
Why do this, Cmdr. Anderson was asked? “To honor all of America’s military veterans, as well as the countless Vietnam-era mail carriers who delivered words of hope across Southeast Asia.”
This year’s theme “Remembering the Vietnam War… Letters from Home” only reinforces that sacrifice.