Painting presentation to Karen Boback.


Painting presentation to State Rep. Karen Boback

Dallas, PA

State Rep. Karen Boback was presented with a copy of a picture pertaining to Dadd0w-Isaacs Dallas American Legion Post 672's activities, painted by celebrated Back Mountain artist Sue Hand. Past Commander Clarence J. Michael stated, "Rep. Karen Boback has been a great supporter of veterans and especially of Post 672. She has spoken at many of our community programs, sponsored the Ride For Honor in remembrance of her father, held a County Veteran Appreciation Ceremony at Misericordia University, marched in our annual Memorial Day Parade, held local meetings concerning our local concerns, has an office in the Dallas Township Municipal Building with an open door to all veterans, headed veteran committees at the state capital, contacted our post to help in the closing ceremony of the Back Mountain Memorial Library's auction, and many other activities. The general expression at the post home is, 'We will truly miss Karen!'. We gratefully presented her with this painting so that she can reminisce and remember us as we will always remember her and her many contributions. Enjoy your retirement, and remember that you and Buzz are always welcome at Post 672."

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