Monessen, Pennsylvania Military Banner Tribute
Ron Chromulak, Chairman of the Monessen Veterans Council and Dave Zilka, Monessen Public Library Director have announced that the Monessen Veterans Council is partnering with the Monessen Public Library to sponsor the MONESSEN MILITARY BANNER TRIBUTE. This a program where you can have a picture of your veteran, living or deceased, or an Active duty military person on a banner displayed in the City of Monessen from one of the utility poles. Several neighboring communities have done this and it has proved to be very popular in these towns. It is so refreshing to see the patriotic mood of a community when you drive through town and see a banner with your veteran or active duty military person along with the banners of many others from Monessen displayed through the downtown area.
The cost of having the banner produced and erected for display is $100 per banner. The banners will go up this year as soon as they are received and removed after Labor Day, and stored for use again next year. The average life span of these banners is three to five years.
Applications for the banners will be taken at the Monessen Public Library, you must have a picture of the person, some general information of their service, and a check for $100 made out to the Monessen Public Library at the time of application. The Library is closed on Friday and Sunday. Persons who live out of the area can call the Library at 724-684-4750 and may get an application online at the website and email the application and picture to the Library at and send the check to the Monessen Public Library, 362 Donner Ave, Monessen, PA 15062. Once your check is received your order will be processed. Other pictures and banners of nearby towns are at to see.
The Monessen Veterans Council is composed of The Joe Walker-Mon Valley Chapter of the Air Force Association, American Legion, Thomas McKee Post 28, Anthony Madison 704, Veterans Of Foreign Wars, Allison-Lescanic Post 1190, The Mon Valley Shipmates and The Mon Valley Leathernecks.
S. Ron Chromulak, Chairman
412-515-7247 Cell