Rows of bottles set on my shelf
with pills for treating my other self.
There are times when things are going well,
and also times when they’ve gone to hell.
I’ve met psych doctors over the years
that say it’s OK to shed some tears.
But when a panic attack strikes out of the blue,
taking pills is the thing to do.
If they don’t work and things get worse,
these are times when you think
you’ll leave in a hearse.
Surely there are other options to try,
in addition to having a really good cry.
One of the best I’ve used of late,
is talking things out with my amazing mate.
Talking with a close friend can really help too,
they appreciate the trust and help us through.
I used to be embarrassed about shedding a tear,
but I’ve come to realize that it helps me clear those frightening thoughts heard in my ears. So whenever a panic attack suddenly appears, I use these options to help calm my fears.