Our post has 85 members, and we are located in a 55+ mobile-home community in Leesburg, Fla. Being a small post with no real home, we meet in a room that the community clubhouse provides. We average 20 members at our meetings, which is about 28 percent.
The average age of our members is 75. Many of our active members who participate in our events are 85 or older.
We have been participating in various parades held in the surrounding towns in order to get the word out that we are an active post. Our float is a highly decorated pickup truck and 10-foot trailer in which the Legionnaires and Auxiliary ride wearing their full uniforms. Our decorations are in accordance with the theme of the parade, i.e., Christmas, the Eustis (Fla.) GeorgeFest Parade (the second-oldest parade in the country) celebrating George Washington, Fourth of July, etc.
Our members and auxiliary enjoy doing these parades and letting the community know that we are here and will support our community in any way we can. We participate in the Boys and Girls State programs, the Poppy program, flag education at the schools, providing needed supplies for veterans in hospital and those who are homeless and meals for those in need in our community. In addition, we hold a monthly memorial ceremony for veterans who have passed, including presenting a flag to the family member, prayers, acknowledgement of the veteran and TAPS.
Best regards,
Ted Schwartzhoff, Vice Commander
American Legion Post 330 Mid Florida Lakes, Leesburg, Fla.