
Sacramento, CA

I served our nation in the Republic of South Korea from December 1959 to February 1961 with the 40th Topographic Engineer Company, 7th Logistic Command, I Corps, 8th United States Army.
Due to a collapsed bridge in Yong Don Po, our company was TDY'd to the Technical Intelligence Command to take engineering measurements of every bridge on the U.S. Army area from the DMZ to Pusan. Apparently, a heavy tank fell through the bridge and the crew was killed.
We completed the mission, and the 40th received a unit citation for its work done in an outstanding manner. Most bridges had been destroyed during the war and had been rebuilt by us and the South Koreans.
I didn't get any citation noted on my DD-214 because on my way back to the United States, the Ascom City doctors found TB in my return X-ray. Nor did I get promoted to Specialist 4 because I was in the hospital and on my way to Fitzsimmons TB Army Hospital in Aurora, Colo.
Once in the infirmary, the medical staff did not let me return to my post. I didn't have the time to say goodbye to all my soldier friends who toughed it out from the DMZ to (my crew's assignment) Pohang, Korea.
I had a Korean KATUSA sergeant assigned to my crew, and he taught me Korean and I taught him English. His name was Lee Chung Woo and I never had the opportunity to personally thank him for his friendship and service to his nation. I wrote the president of the Republic of Korea. She referred the matter to a colonel, who stated that the 40th did not exist and there was not enough information to locate Lee Chung Woo.
I did my job as a topographic surveyor and our 40 Engineer Company received a
citation; however, though I had completed my year-plus of overseas duty, I ended up in the Ascom City Hospital and literally FORGOTTEN. Nonetheless,I loved the Army!

Charles "Chuck" Pineda Jr.
Regular Arm.
Democratic candidate for Governor of California, 1986-2010, and Lt. Governor in 1982, receiving 248,394 votes in the Democratic primary election.
Ret. Parole Board Judge.
Union Gospel Mission Preacher and Preacher/Missionary for God's Garden Church in Sacramento and Monterico, Guatemala.

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