Belleville's American Legion Post 105 Family hosts toy and coat giveaway

Belleville, NJ

"I'm grateful ... because without this, we wouldn't have been able to have a Christmas", said an emotional Cassandra from Belleville, who was there with her young son Bryson. "It's just such a blessing."

Following months of collecting toys and clothes, the American Legion Post 105 Family again held their annual toy and coat giveaway the week before Christmas. They even had their own Santa and elves, who handed out toys, candy canes and happiness to the children who came by.

Though The American Legion is the nation’s largest veterans service organization – supported by the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) and the Sons of The American Legion (SAL) – “the Legion” is community-based, always giving back to their neighbors who show them such overwhelming support. These annual toy drives are just one way in which they do so, helping families in need of a warm coat or children wanting a toy for Christmas. This year, perhaps 100 families benefited from the giveaway day, held at the Post Hall on Washington Ave. on Dec. 22.

Many took the bus from neighboring Newark to attend or came from around Belleville, as did Luz. “This is going to put a smile on my kids' faces – times are hard, and this is so wonderful.”

Soliciting toy and clothing donations from the community, as well as setting up the room, was a Legion Family affair coordinated by ALA President Debbie Hall, who chaired the event. “For me was the joy on their faces; it warms my heart that we can make them happy,” Hall noted afterward. The hall was so absolutely filled with all types of clothing and toys that they ran out of tables to put them on.

As opposed to years past, a good deal of what was given out this year came as donations, otherwise requiring little out-of-pocket cost to the Legion Family ... a testament to the generous nature of Belleville-ites during the holidays. Nutley’s Jennifer Gordon dropped by day-of to leave some new toys - “It’s to give back to the kids ... we have many blessings, and we’re happy to share.” Otherwise, monies that were used to purchase toys had been raised by the Sons and the ALA through Sunday breakfasts, basket raffles, flea markets and other fundraising events over the past few months.

Other toys were donated by local businesses, or companies that the 105 has had longtime relationships with. One company is H.K. Truck Center of South Plainfield, which has gone above and beyond over the years in supporting the post and its programs. This year they donated over $1,000 of toys to be given away, being dropped off by co-owner Henry Knabe III a few days beforehand. “We are humbled, honored and grateful,” wrote Legion 1st Vice Commander Ed Hall about the donation.

“Thank you to everyone at the American Legion 105 for organizing this and giving us the avenue to be able to help give back to the community,” wrote H.K. COO Vanessa Ciervo. “We are truly grateful for the opportunity.”

Post Commander Walter LaBar and HK Truck Centers Henry Knabe III

SAL Jake Myers helping set up the day before

SAL Rusty Myers with members of the post family and Cassandra from Belleville

ALA President Debbie Hall setting up the toys
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