President of ALA District 13 helps with the toy count.


Virginia’s 13th does it again

Mechanicsville, VA

For the second year in a row, the Department of Virginia’s 13th District (“The Fighting 13th”) has been the only district to hold this ‘combined’ Legion Family event across eight counties in central Virginia.

All elements of the family - The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary and the Sons of The American Legion - donated to the Toys for Tots (T4T) program and books for the Literacy program.

Their combined collection amounted to 997 toys and 116 age- and subject-appropriate books for children and preteens. All donations were aggregated at Post 175 in Mechanicsville and were provided as one single (bulk) donation to the T4T program. Posts across the district continued to accept donations after the T4T deadline date. This "extra" effort provided an additional 150 toys for children in residence in Richmond’s Children’s Hospital, especially those in the cancer and burn wards. Total toy donations for this year amounted to a combined 1,147 for deserving children.

The plan is to continue this effort in the coming years. Thank you to all who donated and helped make this effort a success.

Some of the toys for the T4T program.

Toys, toys, toys! Oh my!

Age- and subject-appropriate books for the Literacy program.
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