At 1000 hours, on a hot Saturday morning, July 20 2019. American Legion MM Eberts Post 1 began their 100th anniversary celebration. The post’s temporary charter was approved on June 11, 1919, making it the first American Legion post in Arkansas. Post 1 is named after Captain MM Eberts, who was born in Little Rock in 1889 and died in a plane crash outside Columbus, NM, in May 1917. He was remembered as one of the “early birds of aviation.” Approximately 80 Legionnaires, along with members of the Post 1 Auxiliary, Legion Riders and Sons of The American Legion members attended. The color guard was provided by the North Little Rock Police Department, and music was provided by the 106th Army Band. Tribute was paid to Post 1’s oldest Legionnaires: WWII veteran and 70-year member Robert Stroud, 97, and Jack Murphy, 92, a 40-year member. Letters, proclamations and congratulatory remarks were provided and read by Post 1 speakers, including a congratulatory letter sent from Post 1 member General Wesley K. Clark. Proclamations sent from North Little Rock Mayor Joe Smith and Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott Jr. were read, and Pulaski County Judge Barry Hyde (Post 74), read his proclamation, all declaring July 20, 2019, as Post 1 Centennial Day; State Representative Jim Sorvillo, a Member of Post 1 SAL, provided a citation and an Arkansas state flag. State Senator Jane English, a strong supporter of veterans, provided remarks, and read a congratulatory letter from Post 1 member Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin, who was on ADT at Fort Leavenworth. Steve Eggensperger, military adviser to the governor, read the congratulatory letter from Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson. U.S. Congressman French Hill (AR,2), a Post 1 SAL member, provided keynote remarks; Hill’s grandfather and great-uncle were Great War veterans. His great-uncle was awarded France’s esteemed Croix de Guerre for his WWI service. During the ceremony, a gust of wind blew over the American flag, and Hill was able to catch Old Glory quickly and rescue her so she never touched the ground. Post 1 Commander Kevin Gorman was MC, and provided the Commander’s Address. The ceremony was followed by a BBQ luncheon, followed that evening with a post dance. Happy anniversary MM Eberts Post 1, celebrating 100 years of veterans serving veterans!