“Centennial Celebration” is the theme of this year’s Tarrant County Veterans Day Parade. Monday, Nov. 11, 2019 will mark 100 years of Armistice and Veterans Day marches through downtown Fort Worth.
The year also marks the 100th anniversary of The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary. Legionnaires from both national organizations will serve as co-parade marshals for this year’s march down Main Street.
The American Legion was founded on March 15, 1919, at the American Club near the Place de la Concorde in Paris, France, by members of the American Expeditionary Forces. Founded in 1919, the American Legion Auxiliary is the world’s largest women's patriotic service organization.
Texans have a long tradition of supporting The American Legion. Henry Lindsley of Post 1 in Commerce, Texas, was named chairman of the organizational St. Louis Caucus in 1919, and several past national commanders hail from the Lone Star State.
Cowtown’s annual Veterans Day parade began as an Armistice procession in 1919 to honor those who had fought in World War I. In 1954, the name was changed to Veterans Day.
The Tarrant County Veterans Council is busy planning for the centenary event. A new parade website has launched (www.FW2019VetsDay.org), and the parade committee is soliciting support from individuals and organizations across North Texas.
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Email inquiries to: media@tcvc.us
Contact Bruce Zielsdorf
Parade Publicity Coordinator
Parade website: www.FW2019VetParade.org
Follow TCVC on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tarrantcountyveteranscouncil