Members of Samuel T. Adams American Legion Post 66 in Kennett recognized members of the news media during their monthly meeting on July 12.
Monte Lyons, operations manager for Pollack Broadcasting Company, was recognized for his assistance to Legion and VFW events over the past 15 years, specifically the setup and operation of public address systems for the Memorial Day ceremony held annually on the Kennett Courthouse square. As a token of appreciation, Lyons was presented a U.S. flag in a shadowbox by Post Commander Phillip Greenway.
Steve Patton, morning announcer on Pollack’s KBOA radio and an employee of the local newspaper, was recognized as well by Post 66. Patton was cited for his assistance in publicizing the veterans groups’ activities and presented a Sergeants Major “Challenge Coin” by Greenway.
Challenge Coins were also presented to Kennett High School students Gunner Smith and Ravi Patel, who were sponsored by Post 66 at Missouri Boys State this year.