During the March meeting of James O. Hall Post 19 of The American Legion, Department of Louisiana in Jennings, Post Commander Matthew Duhon (right) presented a 70-year American Legion Membership Certificate to Amos Ardoin (left). Amos was born and raised in Lacassine, and is a proud graduate of Lacassine High School. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1945 to 1948 and is a World War II veteran of the Battle of the Atlantic. He was a member of the crew of the destroyer minelayer Harry F. Bauer, where he was a pharmacist’s mate 3rd class and performed the duties of a medic for the crew. After his discharge from the Navy he attended McNeese State College in Lake Charles before transferring to the University of Colorado-Boulder. He graduated from that university’s pharmacy school and moved to Jennings, where he was first employed at Manouvier’s Drug Store. After 3 years, he bought that store from the owner and operated it first as Ardoin’s Crescent Drug Store and then as Ardoin’s Drug Store for the next 53 years. American Legion Post 19 member John Baker worked as a pharmacist in the store for 13 years, and Amos’ son Michael was a pharmacist in the store for over 24 years. It was an honor for Post 19 to honor Ardoin for his long and faithful membership with The American Legion.