It was hard for the new commander of John Low-Joe Smartt Post 53 to talk or write about himself, but it was heartfelt to hear him speak about how he got to this position and the major changes he and his post have gone through this past year. In "Changing the Course of History," there has been a change in leadership, he has climbed the ranks, Post 53 elected its first minority (Hispanic) commander, attending district meetings and his education, to name a few.
The post was chartered on Sept. 19, 1919, and since then, there have not been any minorities elected as commander, which can be obtained in the post's history books with special focus on the writings of the historian from 1943-1944. Knowing all the history, Commander Juan Guerrero knew he had begun breaking racial barriers.
In his seven-year tenure with Post 53, he has held several positions, to include vice commander, adjutant and finance officer, in all of which he was exceptional. The reason he was so great at his jobs was because of the training and mentoring he received from his late commander, Alton Brown. After the passing of their beloved Commander Brown, the members of Post 53 nominated Juan as commander and he was victorious. He felt and still feels honored and took office in July 2021.
Commander Guerrero has gained respect and support from his fellow Legionnaires; members are returning for monthly meetings; the post has gained a few transfers and new members. Since being in office and attending 5th District meetings, he is even more excited to have gained the fellowship and camaraderie from other post commanders, officers and members. His most memorable district meeting is his very first, which he will never forget. He felt the warm greetings from everyone there, but no one knew what he was feeling inside: he was making history by being in attendance at the district meeting, representing his Post 53.
Commander Guerrero served in the U.S. Army (1979-1987), was assigned to the Air Calvary most of his tenure and worked as a helicopter mechanic. Education: Master's Degree, Public Affairs, University of Texas-Dallas, Bachelor's, Texas Wesleyan-Ft. Worth, Associate's, El Centro College-Dallas.
Commander Guerrero feels it an honor and privilege to serve as the 1firstminority (Hispanic) commander of John Low-Joe Smartt Post 53, and he looks forward to working with the 5th District officers to gain knowledge.
Best wishes to Commander Juan M. Guerrero of Post 53.