In the finest traditions of The American Legion and our founding members' beliefs, our commitment to children and youth has been recognized at both the department and local levels in Missouri's 10th District. As American Legion members, improving the lives of our children is one of the main principles, along with the dedication and betterment of their welfare. We are entrusted to equip our children for the future with timeless assistance through the generations. One of the ways The American Legion has shown this commitment is by advancing our children with educational opportunities.
In St. Louis, one of our Sons of The American Legion members personifies this embodiment by earning several veteran based scholarships. Edward "Kirk" Ucinski IV, whose family has been associated with The American Legion for over 70 years, is working toward earning and financing his bachelor's degree. With the assistance of our veterans, Kirk has defrayed the cost associated with that of a college education by earning some of these amazing scholarships.
Kirk, who was the Department of Missouri's 2019 Eagle Scout of the Year, did not stop there. He continued to excel by earning the Korean War Veteran's Scholarship, the William Basey SAL Scholarship and the Clyde Mosley Post 397 Scholarship. All of which are a testament to his drive and determination. His accomplishments are in the proudest traditions of support shown by The American Legion and in honor of those who established the programs for the betterment of our children and youth. It is no wonder why The American Legion dedicated one of its four pillars to this noble and honorable cause.