On March 16, SAL Squadron 32 Vice Commander Duncan Harling spoke to the Cumberland County Schools (CCS) Military Task Force about the programs available to military children through The American Legion. His post, Hair and Matthews American Legion Post 32, is recognized as a Legion Family Post.
Duncan spoke about the opportunities available to military children through the AL Auxiliary Juniors, SAL Squadron 32 and BSA Venturing Crew 32. He is also the current crew vice president of administration. His presentation was given to school counselors, administrators of Fort Bragg children's services and other community leaders. The slideshow was sent to all of the current JROTC staff in Cumberland County.
Duncan was also the Post 32 and District 8 High School Oratorical winner. He placed second in Division II. He is working on his Boy Scout Eagle project, which is a new sign for Post 32. He is also planning his Venturing Summit project sometime this year.
Duncan is currently a sophomore at Jack Britt High School in Fayetteville, N.C. He is a member of the Integrated Systems Technology Academy and plans on working in the future as an aeronautical engineer. His grandfather, Lowell Edgar Patterson, served in the Navy during the Vietnam conflict.