The Quilts of Valor Foundation continues to present handmade quilts to local veterans.
The foundation began in 2003 with a dream while founder Catherine Roberts’ son Nat was deployed in Iraq.
The model appeared simple: have a volunteer team who would donate their time and materials to make a quilt. One person would piece the top and the others would quilt it. Roberts choose the name for this special quilt as “Quilt of Valor.”
As Ann Rehbein, Auxiliary member and wife of Past National Commander Dave Rehbein, so eloquently said while serving as Quilts of Valor’s executive director (2015-2019), “The Oath of Enlistment states, ‘I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.’
These veterans vowed to lay down their lives for you and me, no questions asked. We cannot judge what being “touched by war” means to a veteran. It will be different for each one, no matter where or when they served.
Be inclusive, not exclusive, for who today has not been touched by war, veteran or civilian, abroad, or in our own country?”
Any servicemember or living veteran who served in one of the following branches: Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. Members of the activated National Guard and activated or active duty-special work (ADSW) reservists are included. Merchant Marines activated from 1941 to 1945. Additionally, anyone who serves at the Dover Mortuary Facility is eligible.
• Served during declared war, conflicts, police actions, peacekeeping missions, and counterterrorism operations and/or times of peace.
• Service during, but not necessarily limited to, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Beirut, Granada, Bosnia, the Cold War, Desert Storm, Desert Shield, Iraq, Afghanistan, anti-terrorism operations, and terrorism attacks against Armed Forces personnel is included.
• Only veterans with an honorable or general discharge status are eligible.