SAN ANTONIO – (Oct. 5, 2019) Fred Brock American Legion Post 828, located on the city’s Eastside, hosted the 20th District Fall Convention at the post’s event center.
Special guests included, but were not limited to, Department of Texas Cmdr. Jeff Perkins; Department of Texas Finance Officer David Paris; Department of Texas Historian Al Alford; Department of Texas Assistant Sergeant at Arms Willis Gray; 3rd Division Cmdr. Robert Masten; 3rd Division (Sons of the American Legion) Detachment Cmdr. and 14th District Commander Rich Huntley; Past Department Cmdr. John Hince; and numerous others.
Perkins, of Post 453, addressed the attendees and provided a summary of the department’s recent executive committee meeting held in Austin. He spoke on the various programs and the need to grow membership in The American Legion.
Masten, of Post 10, spoke on the make-up of the division and the importance of Legion programs and reporting. He congratulated Huntley on being the No. 1 district in the state and stated that the division has four of the top five districts in the state.
In addition to the regular conduct of business and reporting, Post 2 Adjutant Alan Iott was elected district adjutant.
After enjoying lunch, the attendees received training on post narrative history and yearbook/scrapbook history from Alford. According to him, it is important for posts to strictly follow the guidelines for both the narrative and yearbook/scrapbook entries.
“The post historian is a very important position as their work represents their post,” said Alford, who also serves as the commander of Post 828.
Following Alford was Iott, who provided training.
“ is a free website designed to connect members of The American Legion to their post and department leadership,” said Iott. “It allows members to view information on file at National Headquarters, view messages and events published through the department and post myLegion sites, and network with other myLegion members using networking tools.”
“I want to thank the district officers and members for their efforts to be present at this critical district function,” concluded District 20 Cmdr. Walter Geraghty of Post 366.