For many years I have told our story about the American Legion Family. I listen, answer questions and share what we do. I use two types of communications every day, and boy, does it make a difference. I do not ask for donations. Just recently, I shared our story verbally and visually and it resulted in two anonymous donations in the amount of $2,000 because the people in our community care. They want to support something good and positive. We are a positive, solution-oriented-type American Legion Family and that allows us to move forward. We do not live in the past. We learn from the past and make a difference today.
Verbal (phone calls, emails, text, written): we appreciate those who keep us informed on what they are doing for veterans, family and community. New, positive ideas always help us do better.
Visual, (pictures, Facebook, websites, banners)" so powerful and beneficial. Seeing is believing and it demonstrates just how appreciative the community is for all we do. It also gives you a chance to communicate with community members.
What do we have to offer? Can you make a positive difference each day? How well do you communicate positively with others? Are you willing to ask for help? Are you willing to work with others?
Just a few questions we have asked. We answered the questions and we now "make a difference each day."
Give it a try, you will be surprised.
Dale L. Spurlock, PUFL
Post 130, Zillah, Wash.