American Legion Riders attended a veterans luncheon at Nassau Community College (NCC), May 20, honoring currently enrolled veteran members of NCC Student Veterans of America (SVA).
Riders Bruce Blanco (Gold Star father), and Vietnam veterans Dennis Giunta, Robert Glandsman, and Chris Argento (professor at NCC) welcomed home graduating student OIF and OEF Veterans. The ALR’s formed a flag line and surprised the arriving veterans, President Ken Saunders and Dean Evangeline Manjares. The veterans and ALRs shared conversation, and enjoyed a first class professional luncheon prepared by the Hospitality Business Department.
We congratulate and salute Nassau Community College (NCC) for their superb support and excellent assistance provided our veterans pursuing education to fulfill their future goals and dreams.
Today, the veterans experience and transition into civilian life is completely different, yet much the same as returning soldiers from the Vietnam era. Vets now are honored for their service and are actually welcomed home by the community at large.
Vietnam veterans who returned home and enrolled in college did not speak of nor share their war service for fear of being labeled during a time that was unpopular to have worn a military uniform. Every veteran knows "war changes people" is a profound understatement that compels Vietnam vet ALRs to "never again forget" and assure returning veterans are greeted with honor and respect.